Environmental Subway

Subway of Environmental issues

Ocean mining is a great idea to explore the Universe for new knowledge and energy resources as long as its doesn’t cause  Diatom effect , disapproence of Benthos on the surface at the bottom of oceans. Balance between human activities and nature is vital important any new exploration is a great idea with proper study of cause and effects nature is created on the system of dualism for balance . as an uneducated naturalist and victim of the American patriot act after tragedy of 911 created fear and paranoia which took over my feeling and destroyed meaning of liberty in my small mind just by forcing me to sign the Act because of my religion and took away my health and happiness ,

Now imagine nature give us freedom and happiness because we are human beings and have mind to understand natural law of free will , whenever Government , scientist, doctors and engineer’s try to change without proper study they will damage the nature naturally. Since 1950 the study of fright zone has shown that polar circle is silently changing this is the most advanced time of human knowledge where alerts are issued within the seconds with very accurate weather reports of sudden cooling and contracture of the earth surface and melting of Antarctica which contain about 8.2 % total area of earth getting more visible since 1950 and soon the deepest parts of oceans tranches will change from the  Mariana trench to Java or Puerto Rican trench’s from ocean mining.

Internal earth heat balance can change water temperature into steam and can cause expansion of oceans many part of earth it can also happened with dormant volcanoes activities from deep ocean digging .oceans water temperature can change intensity of wind, current , diatom effect with low pressure system with anti clockwise winds in hemisphere all that contribute to plutonic earthquakes.

Recently i witnessed delta Sindh mangroves conditions the walking trees of ocean water have disappeared from the location I visited 3 years ago all that environmental changes are happing all around us very slowly. Last month few formers from Punjab Multan happened to travel with me while taking flight from local airport , they had experience that last 20 years high temperature and heavy rainfall is making very difficult for rice crops even with cultivation of grapes, spices,  growing tobacco and small plants perhaps horticulturing is getting problems . contour farming is impossible in some effected areas . Brazil is the world largest coffee producer have noticed envirmental effects on coffee Karachi Pakistan is located on the ocean and Karachi ocean breeze very popular in South Asia last 10 years people have noticed heavy wind patron and heat waves in wind because of ocean temperature .

 Ocean mineral’s misbalanced due to contamination of chemicals and plastic products contributing to erosion effects with temperature and the amount of salt water vaporizing in the air and thunder and lightning decreasing due to less sodium chloride and potassium.

since the first time scncestist measured the area of earth it was 509,600,000  SKM with the circumference 24902 miles to 24777 miles from different parts of earth its is changing perhaps area of land and ocean water from 79% to 81 % . I believe its responsibility of most advance nations to use common sense and change laws and rules for new constrictions and roads not to be built by destroying rainforest and lakes .I personally believe that we must utilizes what has been used and change pollution and emissions laws in every single nation on the lonoly planet to keep it blue and green . if every human beings just plant one tree in lifetime the greenhouse gasses issue will resolve within 50 years. Am disable because of Government polices after tragedy of 911 to monitor activities of Muslims especially people like me who are politically active to educate public about honesty and freedom.

I sincerely hope that G20 nations should use common sense by experiencing weather of mass distraction, ecological crisis of toxic global atmosphere , the earth and all it’s life is in stress because of ignorance and lack of leadership.

The ecological system of balance and chemistry of nature is in stress due to toxic water, toxic medical waste, toxic metals and toxic gases. Human life is based on balance and the pressure of gravity which is losing pressure due to temperature change.

The reality of gravity is based on very small elements individual and invisible substances around us and cannot been seen. These substances can transfer in the waves of sound and particle of oxygen in the deep ocean waters for life. These small elements individual and invisible substances around us are the miracle of supreme being and the cause of life.

The condition that make us human is not an accident it is based on theology. The new environmental illness or disease such as respiratory problems ,chemicals, allergens, pollution, and other toxins will contribute high numbers of neurological disorders unless we amend some new laws and change course.

Natural sleep is the most important part of human health which is control by the gravity of supreme being who changes the pressure of gravity on this earth two times a day for the phenomena of learning and memory for life. Real question we should ask our self in which general view must be formed and on whose basis our principal in life must be based ? The answer based on realistic notion is faith, love and human fealty.

I apologize to be very critical and honest about ” Change ” the only way for the beautiful earth and it’s healthy life.

I like to contribute this article to seven members of humanity from them five have passed away who were Veterans and devoted for Human Rights Mr. Joseph Mohawk, Mr. Paul Syr, Mr. Paul Cleveland, Mr. David Cosano and David Macontyre  .


written by Ajmal Mehdi     

The People Party of Connecticut


5 thoughts on “Environmental Subway

  1. Reblogged this on minorities911 and commented:

    Solar Eclipse
    Modern Day Sun Superstitions
    Fear of solar eclipses still exists today. Many people around the world still see eclipses as evil omens that bring death, destruction, and disasters.
    A popular misconception is that solar eclipses can be a danger to pregnant women and their unborn children. In many cultures, young children and pregnant women are asked to stay indoors during a solar eclipse.
    In many parts of India, people fast during a solar eclipse due to the belief that any food cooked while an eclipse happens will be poisonous and unpure.
    Not all superstitions surrounding solar eclipses are about doom. In Italy, for example, it is believed that flowers planted during a solar eclipse are brighter and more colorful than flowers planted any other time of the year.
    No Scientific Basis
    Scientists and astronomers around the world have debunked any such claims. There is no scientific evidence that solar eclipses can affect human behavior, health, or the environment. Scientists, however, do emphasize that anyone watching a solar eclipse must protect their eyes.
    In Human Faith we believe “The sun and the moon are two signs amongst the signs of Rabbil ‘Alamin ( God Rab ) they do not eclipse because of someone’s death or life. So when you see them, invoke ( Rab) and pray till the eclipse is clear.
    ‹‹إن الشمس والقمر آيتان من آيات الله. يخوف الله بهما عباده . وإنهما لا ينكسفان لموت أحد من الناس . فإذا رأيتم منها شيئا فصلوا وادعوا الله . حتى يكشف مابكم››

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  2. Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
    79 Elm Street
    Hartford, CT 06106-5127
    December 7th 2017
    Mr. Rob Klee DEEP Commissioner

    Dear Mr. Rob Klee a growing body of research has established the presence of microscopic plastic pollution in the rivers, lakes , ponds and oceans, freshwater, soil and air. So much of the objects in our lives are built with plastic, it’s no surprise that the plastic stuff gets everywhere. But the scale of plastic pollution is mind boggling . Most of our plastic trash ends up in the ocean, lakes and ponds . Within last two years I found four ( 4) Canada goose dead on Judge Malone Pond in Bristol Connecticut due to fish line and plastic bags am sure thousand of birds and other animals dies just because of plastic pollution in our rivers, lakes and ponds . It State of Connecticut Department of Energy and Protection Environmental responsibility to protect life of human beings as well as birds and animals. Recently Long Island New York and Massachusetts many cities passed a bill to charge $.05 Cent for a plastic bag to control plastic pollution I my self and many members of The people party of Connecticut and Human Faith religious group would like to see DEEP Commissioner Mr. Rob Klee to take appropriate steps to control plastic pollution issue.

    Ajmal Mehdi
    511 Pine Street Bristol Connecticut 06010

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